We welcome visits to our school. Please call to arrange a convenient time.



Visit us 

If you are interested in your child joining St Paul's, please contact our school office to discuss what we have to offer and to arrange a visit.

T:01752 365459


Once you decide you would like a place you must make a formal application. 

 How to apply 

Most children join St Paul's  during the main intake into school from the start of September in Reception. As a parent, you can apply for a place with Plymouth City Council. There are different options for parents of children starting school in Reception. This includes part-time education and deferring or delaying admission until later in the Reception year or, for children with birthdays in the summer term, to the following September. Please see our Admission policy below for further details. 

Please come and talk to us if you are considering this option 

For questions about your child joining the school or the admissions process in general, please do not hesitate to contact the school direct or contact Plymouth CAST by email to Rose Colpus-Fricker (Chief Operating Officer) admin@plymouthcast.org.uk

Plymouth CAST is the admissions authority for our school. It has responsibility for the admission policies and decisions on applications for admissions. There is an Admissions Policy for each academic year as it is reviewed and amended annually to ensure the best interests for our children and the communities. The policies comply with the Schools Admission Codes 2021 and the School Admissions Appeal Code 2022.